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Super Rich – by Russell Simmons

In Book Reviews on May 4, 2012 at 3:54 pm

I recently bought this book from Amazon.com, it took me a while but I finally found the quiet time to delve into it. Personally speaking, the past six years of my life display financial turmoil and therefore I admit, I was initially enticed by its title “Super Rich”. Super Rich discusses how to find true happiness without connecting with material things, these principles are the centerpiece of Mr. Simmons book. Super Rich is non-disturbing and has a peaceful tone to it.

In Chapter One, Simmons discusses some of the accolades readers expressed for his first book Do You. What I liked most is the way Simmons carefully blends subtle touches of Hindu & Yoga philosophy to enhance the stories and experiences he writes about. In one of the books quotes, “All nature loves an honest person. He need not run after things; they will run after him,” Sri Swami Satchidananda. Readers will relate to this because all too often making decisions in business  our ethics are challenged. So many choose greed over honesty and integrity. Simmons reveals personal stories of his and those close to him, such as his brother Rev. Run, which are quite funny and honest.

Throughout the book, Simmons highlights in so many ways the, “Do’s and Don’ts” to becoming Super Rich. For example, Simmons discusses why it’s important “[No to] Chase Money” but instead advises his readers to, “Give Unconditionally.”

The book reminds me of Depak Chopra with an Urban twist and reveals many lessons on discovering happiness independent of material things. It connotes the prospect of finding personal fulfillment, true happiness, and peace of mind. In summary, this book is great for readers who are ready and willing to step-up to a higher level of consciousness.


Click link to buy: Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All